Like Water for Chocolate: A Summary Essay

Revolutions throughout time have established change of traditions as the normal occurrence throughout our history. Revolutions in households ca also occur when traditions that are contrary to one’s desire interfere with the values of another. In the novel Like Water for Chocolate, a revolution develops between mother and daughter, Mama Elena and Tita. It is the family traditions, Mama Elena’s lack of understanding of Tita and Tita’s will to break free that sparks the revolution between them. Family traditions play an important role in the cause of Tita’s rebellion against her mother. Tradition states that the youngest daughter (in this case Tita) must not marry, but must take care of their mother until she dies. Tita struggles against her mother’s tradition to “serve” her until the day she dies, without having a life of her own. Tita did as her mother told even when it made her unhappy. Tita felt smothered by her overbearing mother. Se wanted something more out of life then just taking care of her mother, which is whys he was constantly defying family traditions. An example would be when Tita’s sister Rosaura was unable to comparison essay feed her son Roberto. Tita however was able to feed him despite not being his mother, defying standards being a mother should feed her own son. Tita was constantly trying to be her own person to make something out of herself that had nothing to do with her mother. When Tita left after Roberto’s death, she wanted nothing to do with her mother, but despite her efforts when she found out that her mother had become paralyzed she soon returned home to help her and take care of her. Tita desperately fights for her freedom and love, while Mama Elena stands as a prime opposition that prevents her from living her dream. Revolutions throughout time have established change of traditions as the normal occurrence throughout our history. Revolutions in households ca also occur when traditions that are contrary to one’s desire interfere with the values of another. In the novel Like Water for Chocolate, a revolution develops between mother and daughter, Mama Elena and Tita. It is the family traditions, Mama Elena’s lack of understanding of Tita and Tita’s will to break free that sparks the revolution between them. Family traditions play an important role in the cause of Tita’s rebellion against her mother. Tradition states that the youngest daughter (in this case Tita) must not marry, but must take care of their mother until she dies. Tita struggles against her mother’s tradition to “serve” her until the day she dies, without having a life of her own. Tita did as her mother told even when it made her unhappy. Tita felt smothered by her overbearing mother. Se wanted something more out of life then just taking care of her mother, which is whys he was constantly defying family traditions. An example would be when Tita’s sister Rosaura was unable to feed her son Roberto. Tita however was able to feed him despite not being his mother, defying standards being a mother should feed her own son. Tita was constantly trying to be her own person to make something out of herself that had nothing to do with her mother. When Tita left after Roberto’s death, she wanted nothing to do with her mother, but despite her efforts when she found out that her mother had become paralyzed she soon returned home to help her and take care of her. Tita desperately fights for her freedom and love, while Mama Elena stands as a prime opposition that prevents her from living her dream.


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